Everyone knows the importance of a good night's rest. Sleeping allows our bodies to recover from the day and prepare for the next one. But if you have a broken arm, it can be much more difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to ensure that you get the restful sleep your body needs. Read on to learn more about how to sleep with a broken arm.
Invest in Bed Support
One of the most important things you can do is invest in bed support for your arm, such as an adjustable pillow or foam wedge. This will help keep your arm elevated and reduce discomfort while sleeping. It’s also important to make sure your bed is comfortable and supportive of your body’s needs while it recovers from injury. If needed, purchase special pillows specifically designed for those with broken arms or look into mattresses that provide additional comfort and support where needed.
Sleep With Your Broken Arm Elevated
Elevating the arm helps reduce inflammation, brings down swelling around the break, and promotes healing of the fracture. To make this easy, pillow placements can be adjusted accordingly—an extra pillow can be placed behind your elbow or directly beneath the affected arm and palm while lying on your back.
Try Different Sleeping Positions

Getting a good night's rest with a broken arm can be extremely challenging, especially with the aches and pains that accompany the injury. Fortunately, there are a few sleeping positions that can help make it easier to get some rest in this difficult situation. For those suffering from a broken arm or wrist, lying propped up on pillows is often the most comfortable position. This allows gravity to take some of the strain off of the injured area while keeping it elevated. If stomach sleeping is preferred, placing a pillow under the chest to prop up the injured limb can provide extra comfort and support.
Learn More: How To Survive Wearing an Arm Cast
Pain Management Strategies
It goes without saying that pain management is key when it comes to getting comfortable enough to sleep when you have a broken bone. Your doctor may recommend taking over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen before bedtime if needed for pain relief. Take your medication as directed, allowing sufficient time for it to take effect before you are ready for sleep.
Choose Comfortable Clothing
The type of clothing that you wear while sleeping can also make a big difference in how comfortable you feel when recovering from a broken bone.
A heavy cast can create extra body heat, so dress in light layers of cool, loose-fitting clothing in order not to become too hot while trying to sleep. If necessary, open windows slightly and adjust thermostats accordingly so that bedrooms remain cool throughout the night. In addition, fans can also be used for additional air circulation.
Encourage Others To Sleep Elsewhere
Many people who suffer from an arm injury find that encouraging children, small pets, and even your partner to sleep in another room for the first few nights is a great way to make sure you get proper rest. This option reduces your chances of accidentally bumping or jarring your injured limb during sleep, allowing you to drift off and remain asleep throughout the night. Comfort is key when recuperating from an injury—make sure you take the time and energy needed to create a cozy atmosphere that allows you the best rest possible.
Learn More: Broken Bone: How Long Does it Take to Heal?
Know When To Ask For Help
In some cases, it may be necessary to seek professional medical advice if you’re having trouble getting comfortable enough to sleep with a broken arm or if you experience pain that does not subside after trying different positions and using additional pillows for support. Some medications can also be used as temporary solutions for insomnia caused by pain from an injury—ask your doctor about possible options before taking anything on your own.
Physical Therapy for Your Broken Arm

Physical therapy may be recommended as part of recovery from a broken arm. A physical therapist can provide guidance on exercises and stretching techniques that may help reduce discomfort at night time.
Learn More: 5 Exercises to Try After Cast Removal
Sleeping is More Comfortable With The Cast21 Alternative
If you are dealing with a broken arm, sleeping may be one of the most difficult challenges you face. Plus, traditional casting methods can make it nearly impossible to get comfortable and regulate your body temperature during the night, leading to restless and sleepless nights.
Cast21 has been created with comfort in mind, an essential factor when you are recovering from any injury. This 21st-century medical casting method offers a lightweight lattice sleeve that is filled with a quick-drying formula to create a strong yet comfortable defense around your arm injury.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Cast21, please feel free to contact us. We would be more than happy to answer any of your questions and help you get on the road to recovery!